Monday, March 12, 2012

Hawai'i #4

Reason #4 Hawai'i is amazing. Despite its tropical climate and the tourists that invade its shores, Hawai'i is considered a part of the US. Which means I CAN USE MY CELL PHONE TO CALL ANYONE WHENEVER I WANT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN  7 MONTHS.

Seriously, you don't know what you take for granted.

Hawai'i #3

Reason #3 Hawai'i is amazing: I live 4 blocks from the beach, and this is considered far.

Hawai'i #2

Reason #2 Hawai'i is amazing: An all day pass on the Maui bus system is $2, which means that I can almost go anywhere on the island all day for cheap (CHEAP).

Hawai'i #1

Reason #1 Hawai'i is amazing: No daylight savings time. So for the first time in remembered history I am not late to anything because I overslept on March 11th.

Settling Down

 The only thing I will ever regret about this year is that I couldn't share the experiences of settling down with my friends. This year, most of my friends have been doing the "grown-up" thing; starting careers, getting apartments, looking for entry level jobs, grocery shopping. You might look at this list and think, why would she regret this?

I am not missing not being able to do these things, but I am going to miss sharing this experience with my friends. When I get around to doing this for keeps, most of my peers will have had jobs and apartments for months, if not the whole year.

I am settling in Hawai'i for a couple of months. I have a shared house, a job, and most importantly, a library card. While this might not seem like much to you, this is a lot for a gypsy who has not sent more then a couple of weeks in one place since August.

I'm going to spend a bit of time re-cooperating while still traveling in a place I've always wanted to go.

I am so proud of my friends who have started to pave their own permanent paths in life, and I can't wait to join them.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Did you know that a ticket from Hawaii to DC cost just over 700 dollars?

I do.

'Cause as brave as I might pretend to be, sometimes (most times) I am terrified that I won't finish my trip.

In the meantime: IN HAWAII!